Gonzaga Univ. Learning Success programs Logo

Welcome to The Learning Studio!
Peer Academic Tutoring
Location: Foley Library, Room 123
Hours of Operation: Sun-Thurs. 12pm-8pm
Closed Friday, Saturday and ALL campus holidays)
Fall sessions will run: Sunday, 9/8/24, to Thursday, 12/5/24.

The Learning Studio Need to Know

  1. Sessions will run for 50 minutes, with 10 minutes at the end to wrap-up and schedule your next appt. If you will not need the full 50 minutes, please make a note of that in your appt. form.
  2. Please come to The Learning Studio prepared & be willing to move about the library for your session as there is limited space. 
  3. If an appt. is scheduled outside of the Tutor’s subject, it will be CANCELLED. (The student will be notified of the cancellation via email.)

What does this mean? ATTENTION PLEASE READ! This means:

  • If a student schedules an appt. with a tutor in a subject they do not offer, the appt. will be CANCELLED.

 Thank you for letting us be part of your academic journey!

To get started in the Learning Studio:

1. Register for an account by clicking the link to the left and using your zagmail email address.

  • This calendar holds schedules for both content specific Tutoring and Academic Coaching in the Learning Studio.

2. Use the Subject or Course drop down menu to choose the course or subject you are seeking. (For example CHEM 101, BIOL 105, Academic Coaching etc.)

  • Peer Academic Coach: general academic support (study skills, test-taking skills, notetaking, time management, project planning, syllabi review etc.)
  • Peer Tutoring: one-on-one tutoring and group study sessions in numerous academic areas

3. Explain your goals for the session, please be as specific as possible so the Coach/Tutor can prepare beforehand.

  • This means listing the concepts you want to go over (not just a chapter or section number) or explaining why you made the appointment and the area where you struggle (time management, I get overwhelmed by all the tasks I need to complete and just freeze up which then means I am behind before I event get started.). 

See you soon!

CLICK HERE for Additional tutoring options on campus:

  • Departmental Peer Tutoring
  • Faculty Tutoring
  • Peer Led and Organized Review Sessions/Tutoring